African rock art
paintings and engravings are Africa's oldest continuously practiced art
form. Depictions of elegant human figures, richly hued animals, and
figures combining human and animal features—called therianthropes and
associated with shamanism—continue to inspire admiration for their
sophistication, energy, and direct, powerful forms. The apparent
universality of these images is deceptive; content and style range
widely over the African continent. Nevertheless, African rock art can be
divided into three broad geographical zones—southern, central, and
northern. The art of each of these zones is distinctive and easily
recognizable, even to an untrained eye.
all rock art in these three zones is prehistoric; in some areas these
arts flourished into the late nineteenth century, while in other areas
rock art continues to be made today. In the Drakensberg Mountains of
South Africa, a number of rock paintings depict clashes between
(Bushmen) people and European colonists mounted on horses and armed with
rifles. Many of the Drakensberg works use subtle polychrome shading that
gives their subjects a hint of three-dimensional presence. The product
of many authors, time periods, and cultures, the flowing naturalism and
lively sense of movement of the best rock art attests to the conviction
of masterful hands and trained eyes.