• The Zulu were originally a minor clan in what is today Northern KwaZulu-Natal, founded ca. 1709 by Zulu kaNtombhela. In the Zulu language, Zulu means heaven, or sky. At that time, the

    area was occupied by many large Nguni tribes and clans (also called isizwe=nation, people or "isibongo"=clan). Nguni tribes had migrated down Africa's east coast over thousands of years, probably arriving in what is now South Africa in about the year 800 AD


  • The rise of the Zulu kingdom under Shaka: Shaka Zulu was the illegitimate son of Senzangakona, chief of the Zulus. He was born circa 1787. He and his mother, Nandi, were exiled by Senzangakona, and found refuge in the Mthethwa. Shaka fought as a warrior under Dingiswayo, chief of the Mthethwa. When Senzangakona died, Dingiswayo helped Shaka claim his place as chief of the Zulu Kingdom. Since that moment, Zulu and Mthethwa formed an alliance. After Dingiswayo's death, Mthethwa and zulu united under the kingdom of Shaka. Zulu expansion had a great influence on the so called Mfecane - the enormous migration of masses escaping from invasors and affecting all south-eastern Africa.


  • Shaka was assasinated by his two half brothers Dingane and Mhlangana.


  • After his death Zulu kingdom went on since mid twentieth century when the Zulu king was recognized only as a local chief.